
Mario Draghi cannot launch QE without German political assent

Nobel economists say policy blunders pushing Europe into depression

Italy's Renzi must bring back the lira to end depression

France rebels against austerity as Europe's recovery collapses

Oil industry on borrowed time as switch to gas and solar accelerates

HOME»FINANCE»OIL PRICES Petrol prices expected to fall after Saudis open the oil taps

Russia vulnerable as oil prices hit nine-month low on IEA 'glut' warnings

Oil and gas company debt soars to danger levels to cover shortfall in cash


China explores bond buying in first hint of QE

Iraq’s civil war threatens structure of global energy supply for years

Japan to keep printing money for years to come, so learn to enjoy it

The nagging fear that QE itself may be causing deflation

Mario Draghi takes historic gamble with negative rates but still stops short of QE

Russia's gas king taunts crumbling Europe over China pipeline coup

Europe at risk of blackouts, warns IEA

International Energy Agency warns that the EU will lose a quarter of its electricity over the next decade as old power stations are shut down

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