
German euro founder calls for 'catastrophic' currency to be broken up

German bond yields hit record low after ECB rate cut falls short

Debt-crippled Holland falls victim to EMU blunders as property slump deepens

Eurozone risks Japan-style trap as deflation grinds closer

Italian showdown with Germany as Enrico Letta rejects 'death by austerity'

S&P sees deepening house slump in Spain, France and Holland

Bundesbank declares 'war' on Mario Draghi bond bail-out at Germany's top court

Italy needs Churchillian leader to fight 'war damage' of EU austerity

Cyprus bail-out vote stirs fresh jitters as slump fears grow in Europe

Francois Hollande faces austerity revolt from own ministers

Threat of 'wealth tax' on holiday homes

Portugal’s elder statesman calls for 'Argentine-style' default

Tobin Tax is madness for Europe, and economic war against Britain

Vast Greek war claims against Germany explode like a 'time-bomb'

Portugal austerity plan frays, US loses patience with Europe

Portugal's top court has ruled out euro membership

Slovenia faces contagion from Cyprus as banking crisis deepens

Cyprus has finally killed myth that EMU is benign

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