
Recycling, not mining, is the future for securing immediate PGM supply

POLITICAL ECONOMY Navigating gold, silver legal tender isn’t for the faint of heart

Cyprus and Money

Cyprus overhauls two biggest banks to stave off collapse

Japan breaks China's stranglehold on rare metals with sea-mud bonanza

The dangerous drift towards world war in Asia

Bank of Japan vows 'all means available' to smash deflation


China's Gold Reserves: Watch What They Do, Not What They Say.

Yi Gang, Vice Governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), recently made the headlines with his comments on Chinese gold reserves. On Wednesday, Mr. Yi stated that China's gold reserves remain static at 1,054 tonnes, and suggested that a sizeable increase in those reserves would be unlikely in the future. "We need to take into account both the stability of the market and gold prices," Mr. Yi stated, adding that as the world's largest gold producer and importer, China produces about 400 tonnes of gold annually, and imports an additional 500 to 600 tonnes of gold every year. "Compared with China's 3.3-trillion-U.S.-dollar foreign exchange reserves, the size of the gold market is too small," Yi said, rejecting speculation that China would further diversify its foreign reserve investments into the precious metal. "If the Chinese government were to buy too much gold, gold prices would surge, a scenario that will hurt Chinese consumers ... We can only invest about 1-2 percent of the foreign exchange reserves into gold because the market is too small," Yi stated.

Is This The Email That Ended The Career Of JPM's Chief Risk Officer?

Five Reasons the Dow's New Highs Are "Bull-o-ney" and What to Do About It

Lehman clients in line to recoup £1bn

Germany’s prudence is Europe’s poison

Japan cracks seabed 'ice gas' in dramatic leap for global energy

Italy's companies face slow 'death' as credit crunch deepens

Sputtering global economy belies stockmarket boom


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Congress Budget Cuts Damage U.S. Economy Without Aiding Outlook

Where will the oil price go next?

Is this the end of the line for gold?

The Great American Rebound Has Just Begun


Why you should be excited about Mexico

Trade protectionism looms next as central banks exhaust QE

China loves the US dollar again as America roars back

G20 currency truce shortlived as Japan mulls foreign bond buys

Germany's anti-euro party is a nasty shock for Angela Merkel

Eurozone risks Japan-style deflation trap as ECB stays tight

Italy’s Bersani on collision course with Germany and ECB over austerity

French and Italian debt chiefs warn on EU Tobin Tax

Cypriot crisis deepens as 'haircut' fears drive capital flight

Brave Ireland is the poster-child of EMU cruelty and folly

Anger builds in Italy as old guard plots fresh technocrat take-over

EU 'Troika' rule in Ireland worse than British Empire

ECB bond plan in jeopardy as Italy's voters reject conditions

Euro debt crisis looms again as Italians defy EU austerity demands

France freezes spending to hit EU targets as slump deepens

Global banks shun UK Gilts on 'stagflation' risk

Twin crises in Italy and Spain stalk markets as political unrest prevails

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