
BofA Sees Fed Assets Surpassing $5 Trillion By End Of 2014... Leading To $3350 Gold And $190 Crude

Era of 'jobs-targeting' begins as Fed launches QE3

China launches £94bn infrastructure stimulus package

The latest euro ‘fix’ could be bad news for the US

Investors are finally convinced that the eurozone can be saved. European Central Bank boss Mario Draghi has made it clear that he’ll do ‘what it takes’ to stop the likes of Spain or Italy from going bust, as long as they ask for help. The Germans might throw a spanner in the works later this week. But even if their constitutional court rejects or delays the existing big bail-out fund, chances are another fudge would be hastily pulled together. So the ‘Armageddon’ discount is fading from European assets, which have rallied hard in recent months. That sounds like good news. The trouble is, once investors stop fretting quite so much about Europe, they’ll wake up to the fact that the rest of the world is in a bit of a mess too. And that could be bad news for overpriced shares in the US in particular…

German court backs ESM rescue fund in double-edged ruling

Carthaginian terms for Italy and Spain threaten Draghi bond plan

Nationalist backlash in Italy and Spain to test Mario Draghi bond plan

Brinkmanship as Spain warns over bail-out terms


U.S. Companies Brace for an Exit From the Euro by Greece

Andalusia becomes fourth Spanish region to ask for bailout

Top tax-man suggests Argentines spend vacations in the country, but he prefers Punta del Este

Fed Moves Toward Open-Ended Bond Purchases to Satisfy Bernanke

How a German court could have a big impact on your wealth

How to brace your portfolio for a hard landing in China

Technicals flash amber as ECB and Fed struggle to validate rhetoric

Global crisis moves East as China suffers rapid downturn

China’s fears grow over eurozone crisis


A Bunch Of Big Advisers At Morgan Stanley Might Leave The Firm For A Totally Embarrassing Reason

Draghi plan under threat amid EU split

Fed Chairman Makes Case, in Strong Terms, for New Action

It’s time to get rid of central bankers

Deposit flight from Spanish banks smashes record in July

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