
Can gold miners make a comeback in 2012?

Gold Proves Safest as Goldman Forecasts Record: Riskless Return

Eric Sprott - Aggressive Chinese Buying Will Spike Gold Price

Fed Signals That a Full Recovery Is Years Away

America overcomes the debt crisis as Britain sinks deeper into the swamp

Ageing Japan faces 'chronic' trade deficit after Fukushima

It's now up to China to save capitalism

Davos can't work miracles but it may see the start of one

As Soros says, things could be worse for the UK: we could be in the euro

Angela Merkel defiant as IMF leads attack on Germany

EU ratchets up pressure with Greek default threat

Greek debt talks stall over interest rate on bonds

Italy and Spain call for eurozone rescue fund booster


3D Chips Will Deliver an Era of Radical Change

Sprott bearish on base metals, positive on gold, oil

China's property price slide gathers speed

The Madness of Crowds: How to Play Bonds, China, and Gold in 2012

I read Charles Mackay's 1841 classic, "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" long before it ever became fashionable. Even so, when you think about it, 2011 must set some kind of record. As investors, that means we need to decide whether this madness will continue in 2012 and which direction to take. Take the madness in the bond world, for instance. Long-term bonds of a country with an out-of-control budget deficit and a worrying trade deficit are currently yielding 1.6% below inflation. In other words, year after year, investors are willing to pay 1.6% of their capital to hold them. On top of that, investors have been so keen on this miserable asset in 2011 they have bid up its price by no less than 26%. Conversely, China is revolutionizing the world economy. Year after year, China puts up growth rates of 8% or more, and the latest data suggest that will continue throughout 2012. What's more, Chinese stocks stand on a bargain-basement price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of less than 8-times earnings. Yet, in 2011, investors shunned these bargains, giving the Chinese market a pathetic return of minus-22%.

The IMF is no longer serving its purpose?

When, oh when, will Europe face the truth?

After a brief seasonal break, the euro crisis is back in full force

IMF slashes global forecast on eurozone crisis, with drastic falls in Italy and Spain

Portugal to need "debt haircut" as economy tips into Grecian downward spiral

World Bank fears Europe's crisis could set off deeper global slump than Lehman collapse

Hungary faces ruin as EU loses patience


Summarizing 2011 In Nine Easy Charts

New draft of EU treaty signals victory for Cameron and Britain

Codelco's gambit will facilitate a deal with Anglo American

ENRC investors should be the winners as row over Congo mine is settled

Awaiting a Greek Payout

How Banks Are Using Your Money to Create the Next Crash

Paul Krugman is Dead Wrong: Debt Matters

Be prepared for a big disappointment from China this year

The battle for the City will define the UK role in Europe

US tax cutting is the spur for employment that Britain needs too

2012 will be another year of crisis, bail outs and emergency summits in Europe

2012 could be the year Germany lets the euro die


Paul wants to check Fort Knox for gold

$135 Billion Redeemed From US Equity Mutual Funds In 2011, 34 Of 35 Consecutive Weekly Outflows

Half of absolute return funds fail to turn a profit

Eurozone collapse 'starts this year' says CEBR

Chinese are the new Big Spenders in town

Eurozone is closer to break-up, warns Standard Chartered's Peter Sands

Oleg Deripaska: 'wealthy time' has ended for the eurozone

Eurozone credit crunch fears on M3 money contraction

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